
A division of CRC Public Relations based out of Australia, 22:1 PR was established to serve the global church online during the pandemic, when physical travel was more difficult and online services and communications were becoming usual practice. We’ve now turned this into a most effective way to assist clients worldwide.

In our specialist field of public relations, reputation and issues management and crisis communications, there is almost nothing we can’t do remotely through phone, video and email.

Our team of specialist consultants are based across the world including the USA, Europe, Australia and other countries. We operate across all times zones and have interpreter and translation services available when required.

We are considered some of the world’s leading public relations practitioners for Christian ministries, and regularly deal with mainstream media and crisis communications on every continent. Combined with our in-depth understanding of the objectives of Christian organisations, this allows us to provide significant and tangible results to Christian ministries.

While we are called upon by some of the most influential Christian leaders across the globe to provide strategic advice and work with them, we also assist organisations of all sizes that need guidance and protection.

22:1 PR was created to support and advise the worldwide Christian church, and we would love to help and bless you wherever you are.

© 2022 – 22:1PR All rights reserved.